Learn the basics of web development required for blockchain. If you want to become a Blockchain developer, you first need to have some basic web development skills. However, web development is a HUGE topic… backend, frontend, devops, aws, etc… Do you need to learn ALL of this for Blockchain? Luckily no!

You only need to learn FRONTEND web development: html, css and Javascript. However, most bootcamps and web development courses will teach you much more… And make you spend a lot of time…


  1. Architecture of web application: frontend & backend
    LESSON 3.
  2. Website vs web application
    LESSON 4.
  3. Frontend & backend communication with the HTTP protocol
    LESSON 5.
  4. What is HTML?
    LESSON 6.
  5. Basic structure of an HTML file
    LESSON 7.
  6. Insert text and images with div, p, and img tags
    LESSON 8.
  7. Create links with the tag
    LESSON 9.
  8. Display list of data with tables
    LESSON 10.
  9. Collect data with forms
  10. Add styling to an HTML component with CSS
    LESSON 12.
  11. More CSS rules: margin, padding, layout
    LESSON 13.
  12. Make your web app look good EASILY with Bootstrap
    LESSON 14.
  13. Advanced CSS: CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid
    LESSON 15.
  14. Introduction
    LESSON 16.
  15. What Javascript is used for?
    LESSON 17.
  16. Strings
    LESSON 18.
  17. Numbers
    LESSON 19.
  18. Booleans
    LESSON 20.
  19. Arrays
    LESSON 21.
  20. Objects
    LESSON 22.
  21. Control structures: if, for-loop, while, switch
    LESSON 23.
  22. Functions
    LESSON 24.
  23. Promises
    LESSON 25.
  24. The DOM (Document Object Model)
    LESSON 26.
  25. ES6 features
    LESSON 27.
  26. Frontend vs Backend Javascript (NodeJS)
    SEE LESSON 28.
  27. Homeworks
    LESSON 29.
  28. Introduction
    LESSON 30.
  29. Why we need React?
    LESSON 31.
  30. How does React work?
    LESSON 32.
  31. JSX
    LESSON 33.
  32. Webpack & Babel
    LESSON 34.
  33. Create a React project super quick with create-react-app
    LESSON 35.
  34. Install Bootstrap for quick & easy styling
    LESSON 36.
  35. Create your first React component
    LESSON 37.
  36. Render a list in React
    LESSON 38.
  37. Pass data to child components with props
    LESSON 39.
  38. Use Bootstrap grid and Jumbotron components
    LESSON 40.
  39. Create another component for new tasks
    LESSON 41.
  40. Manage component state with the useState() hook
    LESSON 42.
  41. Lift the state up to parent component
    LESSON 43.
  42. Mark task as done